Ionic Detox Foot Bath


Eliminating toxins is the first step in giving the body a chance to heal itself. An ongoing detoxification regimen is a simple solution to cleanse and balance the body. The Revive Cleanse ULTIMATE Ionic Foot Bath System allows you to run frequencies which target specific conditions and injuries. 

About Ionic Detox Foot Bath Therapy

  • • arthritis
    • bronchitis
    • cold and flu
    • depression
    • lyme disease
    • high blood pressure
    • edema
    • chronique fatigue
    • rheumatoid arthritis stress
    • migraines
    • kidney stones

  • • athritis relief
    • reduced anxiety and depression
    • cold and flu symptom relief
    • migraine relief
    • regulated blood pressure
    • increased energy levels

  • As needed, depending on individual needs. The Revive Cleanse ULTIMATE Ionic Foot Bath System allows you to run frequencies which will target the spine, neck and shoulder, as well as certain conditions and injuries.